The MindStyling Podcast is now live you can find us on iTunes , Spotify and many other podcasting platforms. Please, please, please subscribe. It is so important that we get these stories out into the world to as many people as possible
I created this Podcast in collaboration with Amy Armstrong, it has been a huge labour of love, that was first conceptualised 2 years ago.
With my background as a female minority in science and business there are two objectives to this podcast:
1. To tell a diverse range of stories from people in leadership and entrepreneurial positions at different stages of their journey – especially under-represented groups. To prove that leaders/entrepreneurs/bosses come from many different places and to provide new role models.
2. To give people some of the tips and techniques that I learnt the hard way or through coaching and counselling sessions that not everyone can afford or have access to.
Let me know if you have any requests for interviewees and follow The Mindstyling Podcast on Facebook, subscribe now on iTunes and Spotify and follow us on instagram and twitter to stay up to date with our announcements and to be ready for our launch.
The events of the last few weeks have furthered my resolve to ensure that we are telling stories from a diverse group and I have had to reach out of my normal “bubble” to ensure that I am not just giving a platform to those who think like me, or have similar backgrounds to me. I have an ongoing commitment to check myself in that regard.