When COVID 19 hit our shores and the lockdown began to take effect I didn’t know what to do. All around me I could see people struggling as their business had to shut down over night, their income was cut short and they had to find a new, temporary way to manage their life and their loved ones.
My temporary normal is not significantly different to my normal normal. I have sacrificed going to the gym and seeing people face to face in an office but I have gained time to heal, time to talk to people and a chance to engage online. My main worry through all this has been “how do I help other people”?
I can stay at home, that helps. I can also coach people. I can help people by giving them a safe environment to talk to me about the changes they are experiencing, to give them a breathing space to help meander the quick fluctuations of highs and lows. I can also give them techniques to manage time and help people to keep their foundations strong as we move through this uncertain period.
This is how I can help you. Whatever position you are in, staying strong and having someone during this time will help you to not only survive but thrive when we get to the other side.
For this reason I have opened up a new coaching session”Survive2Thrive” which you can get for free using code: SURVIVE2THRIVE when booking through this link: