Introducing the team that are involved in Romeo and Juliet, Dubai, I will add to this post with more biographical information in due course:
Chris Constantine – Mercutio/Lord Montague
As well as playing a crazy, loveable, engaging Mercutio and a contrasting Lord Montague Chris is also our resident documentary maker. I am in no scenes with Chris (apart from a tiny bit of dancing at the Capulet ball), which is a shame because I think that he is a really exciting actor. He is equally as loveable in real life as Mercutio, but not quite as insane. Follow on twitter: @chrisconsty.
Jude Bucklow – Nurse/Escalus/Apothecary
I have the luck of being in a few scenes with Jude, she is very experienced and creates big characters very naturally, she is immensely skilled including being a professional puppeteer and she used to be in the Button Moon live show (google it if you don’t remember it). We have so much fun playing the Nurse and Juliet scenes, and playing off her nurse has really helped me to create my Juliet. Our backstage chats are also very therapeutic.
Liza Greenhalgh – Lady Capulet/Benvolio
We both like Taylor Swift and (reasonably) early nights, we also enjoy a good chat about life. Liza is actually on a journey to study medicine and she will make the best doctor, compassionate and intelligent – so send her good vibes for that journey please :). Liza transforms in this show from the gangly, loving Benvolio to the more formal Lady Capulet. One person even asked her how high her heels were for “Lady” because her physical appearance is altered to make her look taller, however she wears no shoes! I feel so protected when I am in scenes with Liza, as there is a wonderful constant unspoken communication. Follow on twitter: @lizenkalizenka.
Graham Paton – Friar/Lord Capulet
I have some big scenes with Graham leading up to the end of the play and they are some of my favourite, I feel like it is really easy to connect with his characters, these scenes are the ones when I feel most “in the moment”, and the most amazing thing is his transformation between the two characters. I have consecutive scenes with Lord Capulet and my Friar and the belief in both characters is never suspended. The fear I have for Lord Capulet is immense and the comfort from the Friar is wonderful. This cast is just so full of kind and wise people and Graham is another one, he has acted in Shakespeare for more years than he would care to divulge and I learn so much from watching his natural and relaxed approach to acting and his reverence to the words of Shakespeare.
Dominic Danson – Romeo
My Romeo! I think that Dom has really helped me through this process, I have enjoyed watching him build his character through his professional practice and have been intrigued in how he has slowly crafted Romeo. Dom has also been our vocal coach throughout which has been vital for preparing our voices and bringing the team together. Dom has a number of strings to his bow, and is juggling a number of commitments and ambitions so I feel like we have a lot in common. Follow on twitter @domdanson.
George Seal – Technician
I have known George for a while and when I found out he was our technician I was so happy, because I have a lot of respect for his work ethic and trust in his technical decisions. He has this tremendous ability to be highly professional and to the point when working and brilliantly laid back when not.
Andy Cork – Coach/Stage manager
Andy is also someone that I have known for a while and he is yet another one of the people who manage to marry wisdom with fun. I feel like Andy is a true Philosopher and you could chew the cud with him forever. The Juliet I have created has been hand in hand with Andy, he coached me through various exercises and insights and helped me to discover the magical playful Juliet that I so enjoy playing.
Matt Nation – Tybalt/Paris
Without Matt none of us would be here, somehow he produced this whole affair as well as working as Director and playing Tybalt and Paris. Again his two characters are so markedly different, I don’t have many scenes with him, but in my interaction with him as Paris he is cringe-worthingly soft and unaware of any of the drama that is unfolding. Matt deserves big thanks for the hours and effort he has put into making the show. Follow on twitter: @mattnation73.
I have no photo but Pat Cannings has also been an amazing additional pair of hands, adding a directors eye and stage managers resource management to the mix to make things happen. And a big thanks to everyone else who has been involved in producing, costume, technical and generally supporting us.