Another year older

Another year older

It was my birthday this week and  I use my birthday as a day to look back and see what I have accomplished over the year and take a deep breath before stepping into the next set of challenges hopefully getting older and wiser whilst I pass the anniversary of my birth. The past year has definitely been the best year of my life in many ways, I have found certain things pretty stressful but I do feel like I am getting more and more comfortable in my skin and working hard to make my life one that serves me and helps me to be the best person I can be as well as helping me to be a positive force in the lives of the people around me. I am not going to lie, I am exhausted at the moment and I do find it hard to see the wood from the trees but I’m also feeling very ready to step up to new challenges right now.

So here is my photo diary from the past year.

I was living in Bedfordshire, completing a Theatre in Education tour this time last year. I took the opportunity to pop in and out of London a couple of times to see my friends.

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I did a show called Weight Off My Shoulders, where I played Anita, I played Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, I filmed a short film called Investigation, an advert with Suited and Booted and completed filming for The Long Autumn Months and worked with loads of great people doing it. I have also just finished STRIP with Dollypop Theatre.

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Other work

As always work has dominated my thoughts, time, emotions etc, the biggest thing this year was that  I started working with Danceroom Spectroscopy, I have so far brought in £85k funding and got a demo of the new product, the Nano Simbox working with the team. I am only just starting to realise what a huge achievement it has been as a product begins to emerge from all our hard work.

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Travels have landed in my lap this year, I was lucky to have a work to Germany in the summer and I got to have one day to relax in Frankfurt. But the big ones came in 2015 with both an absolutely amazing career high (so far) performing in Dubai and a week in LA and Vegas. Being in LA on the 2nd Jan hiking on Runyan Canyon was a pinch myself moment, that is my happy place particularly at sunrise.


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Los Angeles and Vegas

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I’ve done as much gymnastics and yoga as I can:

Yoga pose, king dancerIMG_2577IMG_2510IMG_2452IMG_1893IMG_2038IMG_1702



If possible Family and Friends have become even more important, especially since becoming an auntie:

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I have seen some amazing theatre, a large proportion of it circus based, including ticking Cirque du Solieil off my bucket list – twice!! Read some great books and seen some wonderful movies. Binge watched House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Nashville and Girls amongst other good and bad TV shows:

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Social media provided some of my favourite moments of the year, YouTubing, Instayoga and the amazing Come Blog With Me with Lotte Lane (you can read more about this in other posts).

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Oh and I visited Downton Abbey


I can’t help but feel a bit dejected at the end of this year, and I have no idea why. I should be looking at all these pictures and feel so much gratitude for such amazing gifts and experiences. Maybe I should come back and look at it tomorrow, or maybe it is because I face the next year with trepidation, no idea how to build on the one just gone, it is possibly because I just got an amended tax bill (increased). I guess I am just going to have to trust that the path ahead of me will take me to where I need to go, wherever that may be.





    • Becky
      April 1, 2015 / 5:10 pm

      Thanks, it was a lovely day 🙂

  1. April 3, 2015 / 8:51 pm

    Cripes just catching up with this… You are amazing!!! Love the idea of reviewing your year on your birthday. I may do the same later this month! X

    • Becky
      April 4, 2015 / 4:16 pm

      I might have guessed that you were a spring birthday too Lotte, thanks for the comment and thanks for all that you have done for me this year, it has been one of my highlights for sure!

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